On Wednesday, June 14, 2023, Jackson Walker partner Jennifer S. Freel will be speaking on a panel about the current securities enforcement priorities of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ). The Hot Topics in SEC and DOJ Enforcement and Litigation Dallas Conference will take place from 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Gibson Dunn & Crutcher in Dallas.
During the SEC and DOJ Priorities panel, Jennifer will discuss the departments’ new priorities surrounding ESG (climate, sustainability, social, and governance), cybersecurity disclosure and enforcement, insider trading, corporate electronic communications (including ephemeral messaging), prosecution of individuals, environmental justice, and increased penalties for repeat violations. The panel will also cover the SEC’s impending new rules governing corporate and registrant behavior.
In addition to Jennifer, panelists speaking at the program include the Honorable Mark Pittman (U.S. District Court for Northern District of Texas – Fort Worth), Tiffany H. Eggers (Criminal Chief, U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of Texas – Dallas), Richard Murray (Supervisory Special Agent, Cybercrime Supervisor, FBI, Dallas), and Eric Werner (Regional Director, Division of Enforcement, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Fort Worth), among others.
The Hot Topics in SEC and DOJ Enforcement and Litigation Dallas Conference will take place from 8:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. at Gibson Dunn & Crutcher in Dallas, Texas. The program is organized by Sandpiper Partners LLC. To register, visit this webpage.
Meet Jennifer
Jennifer S. Freel is a partner in the Investigations & White Collar Defense practice of Jackson Walker’s Austin office. A former Assistant United States Attorney in the Austin Division of the Western District of Texas, Jennifer advises businesses and individuals under investigation by the government and conducts internal investigations for companies seeking an independent party. She also represents clients in civil disputes at the pre-trial, trial, and appellate levels in state and federal court, and is board certified in Criminal Appellate Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization.
Jennifer is an elected Fellow of the Texas Bar Foundation, a member of the Texas Supreme Court Historical Society’s Board of Trustees, the Austin Chapter Leader of the Women’s White Collar Defense Association (WWCDA), a barrister in the Robert W. Calvert American Inn of Court, a past chair of the Federal Bar Association’s Criminal Law Section, and a past president of the Federal Bar Association’s Austin Chapter.​​​​ She also serves on the Planning Committee of UT Law CLE’s Annual Conference on State and Federal Appeals.
She has been ranked among the top Texas attorneys for Litigation: White-Collar Crime & Government Investigations by Chambers USA: America’s Leading Lawyers for Business since 2021, and has been named among The Best Lawyers in America for Criminal Defense: White Collar (Austin) since 2022.