Jackson Walker partner Rob Harlow was recently featured on a HoustonPBS TV production titled, “Facing the Mortgage Crisis.” The program, a community service initiative designed to showcase trusted foreclosure prevention resources, gave the studio audience and telephone callers a chance to get information on foreclosures from a panel of experts. Issues explored in the program included how to negotiate with the lender if you’re in danger of missing payments, how to handle phone calls and notices from lenders, how to keep track of pertinent paperwork, and when to seek assistance. The program aired on August 4, 2009.
Mr. Harlow participated as a member of the Houston Bar Association’s Consumer Task Force, which has been established to help families face difficult consumer issues in challenging economic times. He also brought his considerable legal expertise as an authority on property foreclosures, loan workouts, and forbearance agreements. Mr. Harlow concentrates his practice primarily in the areas of banking and finance, commercial real estate, and corporate and general business. He has performed hundreds of foreclosures, workouts, and forbearances involving all types of personal and real property. In commercial real estate, Mr. Harlow devotes much time to the negotiation and drafting of commercial leases, easements, parking agreements, development agreements and real estate purchase and sale agreements as well as advising and assisting clients on real estate development projects. Mr. Harlow received his B.B.A. in Accounting and Finance from The University of Texas at Austin and his J.D., cum laude, from the University of Houston Law Center.
For more information about the “Facing the Mortgage Crisis” initiative, visit www.houstonpbs.org/mortgage. The August 4 episode can be viewed online in three parts: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.