William Hornberger Appointed to Laredo Economic Development Corporation Board

March 19, 2025 | Attorney News

Jackson Walker is pleased to announce that partner William H. Hornberger has been appointed to the Board of Directors of the Laredo Economic Development Corporation (LEDC).

The Laredo Economic Development Corporation is a private non-profit organization dedicated to the economic and industrial development of Laredo, Texas. Since its incorporation, the LEDC has been steadfast in its mission to promote and foster the economic and industrial development of the Laredo region. As the primary private sector contact for new and expanding business prospects, the LEDC actively promotes and markets Laredo, Webb County, and the city of Nuevo Laredo as a vibrant region for global trade and market opportunities in targeted industries.

Laredo, a city of almost 300,000 residents, is the largest port in the United States, with more than $340 billion in annual trade. As the premier U.S. port, Laredo’s technology-enabled ecosystem of knowledge workers and specialized labor serves international trade through an interdependent economic hub of seaports, overland international bridges, rail bridges, and air transport. This infrastructure enables trade to flow through Mexico, Texas, and across the United States.

“I’ve never been more encouraged about the future of the Texas-Mexico International Trade Corridor, anchored in the south by Laredo, Nuevo Laredo, and Monterrey,” Willie said. “I am thrilled to serve on the board of the LEDC at a time when the eyes of the world are on Texas as one of the best places to do business. Laredo has become a magnet for foreign direct investment, trade, and manufacturing, and there’s no limit to Laredo’s potential.”

“I am thrilled to serve on the board of the LEDC at a time when the eyes of the world are on Texas as one of the best places to do business.”

Boosted by Texas’ status as the eighth-largest economy in the world, Laredo is drawing an expected $10 to $15 billion investment in industrial warehouses over the next decade due to nearshoring, advantageous corporate tax rates, and increased focus on operations and supply chain in North America.

Meet Willie

William H. Hornberger’s tax practice has touched nearly every area, including corporate, partnerships, and LLCs; international; real estate; corporate; oil and gas; bankruptcy; tax credit and tax controversy; and procedural matters. His broad transactional practice includes mergers and acquisitions, complex partnerships, joint ventures, real estate and private equity arrangements, complicated cross-border business structuring matters involving investors from multiple countries, tax treaties, and IRS Competent Authority matters. He has represented taxpayers on tax controversy matters in IRS administrative appeals and before the U.S. Tax Court, the U.S. District Court, the U.S. Bankruptcy Court, the Courts of Appeals for the Fifth and Eleventh Circuits, and the U.S. Court of International Trade.

In This Story

William H. Hornberger
Partner, Dallas
