Jackson Walker Obtains Award for $124,000 in Attorneys’ Fees under Texas Anti-SLAPP Statute

February 3, 2015 | Client Results

The order came after Jackson Walker successfully appealed the trial court’s denial of motions to dismiss filed by a newspaper company and its sources under the TCPA.

Jackson Walker attorneys Bob Latham and Amanda Zimmerman represented IntegraCare and its former CCO before the trial court and on appeal. After the appellate court issued its opinion, the plaintiffs filed numerous pleadings in an attempt to reverse the appellate court’s decision and prevent the trial court from entering an award for attorneys’ fees and costs. Ultimately, the plaintiffs’ attempts were unsuccessful. The case is Crazy Hotel Assisted Living, Ltd. et. al. v Newspaper Holdings, Inc., Charlotte Patterson and Integracare of Texas, LLC (234th District Court of Harris County, Texas).

Jackson Walker has won numerous cases under the TCPA, including victories on behalf of the Better Business Bureau of Metropolitan Dallas, the Houston Community College System, Univision 23 KUVN, and The Burnt Orange Report.