Commodities & Derivatives
Jackson Walker represents a broad spectrum of market participants on both the “sell” and “buy” sides, including dealers and end users on transactional, regulatory, tax, litigation, and bankruptcy matters. We advise clients on physically and financially settled energy commodity transactions, ranging from “plain vanilla” trades to multibillion-dollar structured transactions. Our experienced team of lawyers has decades of problem-solving experience negotiating standard industry contracts, including industry-standard ISDA, NAESB, and EEI agreements, as well as wholesale purchase power agreements, netting agreements, tolling agreements, asset management agreements, capacity and storage agreements, and other risk mitigation and credit support agreements.
Our approach to commodities and derivatives transactions
Problem-solving approach
Jackson Walker takes a problem-solving approach to its practice. We help clients identify contractual, credit, price, regulatory, and other risks across their operations and transactions to and advise on strategies to mitigate these risks. When our clients require litigation or bankruptcy support, we work closely with our experienced litigators and bankruptcy attorneys to successfully navigate proceedings in connection with their commodities and derivatives transactions.
Focused advice and solutions
We provide clients with focused advice and solutions. While our depth of experience and practice allows us to represent clients on negotiating a broad array of transactional issues, we understand the fast-paced environment in which our client’s work. Our team works with clients to provide efficient and proactive strategies to meet critical deadlines and schedules.
- Representation of gas suppliers in over [$5 billion] dollars in prepaid gas sales contracts financed with municipal bonds.
- Representation of energy suppliers and retail energy providers in over [$2 billion] dollars in sole supplier gas and power transactions.
- Representation of power generation companies in the negotiation of fuel supply and power offtake agreements.
- Representation of energy trading companies, pipelines, and producers being audited by the FERC, CFTC, PUC, and SEC.
- Representation of private equity portfolio companies in secured, prepaid swap transactions.
- Representation of exploration and production companies in oil and gas hedging and marketing programs.

August 19, 2021
Attorney News
‘The Best Lawyers in America’ Honors 178 Jackson Walker Attorneys in 2022 Edition, Including 8 “Lawyers of the Year” and 31 “Ones to Watch”
The Best Lawyers in America has recognized 178 Jackson Walker attorneys across 6 offices and 67 specialty practice areas in its 2022 edition, including 8 Lawyers of the Year and 31 Ones to Watch. Best Lawyers listings are based on an exhaustive peer review survey of thousands of attorneys who vote on the legal abilities of others in their practice areas.
April 20, 2020
Jesse S. Lotay Discusses Plunging U.S. Oil Prices
Jackson Walker partner Jesse S. Lotay, who chairs the Firm’s Commodities & Derivatives practice, spoke about plunging U.S. oil prices.
July 26, 2018
Attorney News
Jesse S. Lotay Named to Inaugural Institute for Energy Law Leadership Class
Designed for energy professionals, the Institute for Energy Law Leadership Class comprises 35 individuals from seven states and the District of Columbia who are diverse in job type, experience, industry representation, gender, race, and ethnicity.
August 15, 2017
BTI Lists Jackson Walker in Report on Firms with the Best Collaboration
Jackson Walker has been listed among firms with Leading Collaboration in a new report by BTI Consulting Group.
August 9, 2010
Attorney News
Jackson Walker Congratulates Its Best Lawyers in America 2011
Sixty Jackson Walker attorneys were selected as Best Lawyers in America 2011. The Firm itself was ranked number one in many areas of law in the 2011 edition.
August 3, 2009
Attorney News
Jackson Walker Congratulates Its Best Lawyers in America 2010
Fifty-six Jackson Walker attorneys were selected as Best Lawyers in America 2010. The firm itself was ranked number one in many areas of law in the 2010 edition.